The Annals of “Ovidius” University of Constanța: Philology Series

Vol. XXXV, 1/2024





Cover Pages

I. Literary Studies

Moderno e Postmoderno nei Poeti Crepuscolari - Daniela Crăciun -pg. 7-20 - full text

Der Held als Störenfried voller Kontraste. Zur Thomas-Bernhard-Rezeption im deutschsprachigen Raum und in Rumänien; Fallstudie: Der Theatermacher - Cecilia-Iuliana Vȃrlan -pg. 21-34 - full text

Reimagining Vikings. The Evolution and Impact of Viking Imagery in Contemporary Fiction and Media - Nicolae Bobaru -pg. 35-53 - full text

White America Then and Now through Anne Sexton’s Transformations: A Close Reading - Hristo Boev -pg. 54-68 - full text

Mircea Cărtărescu, misterul supraabundenței în romanul Theodoros - Lăcrămioara Berechet -pg. 69-78 - full text

Hagialȃkul-călătorie în opera lui Mateiu I. Caragiale: geografiile imaginare şi peisajul - Angelo Mitchievici -pg. 79-96 - full text

Întunecare, de Cezar Petrescu: univers emoțional în context istoric - Sorin Mihai -pg. 97-112 - full text

Mecanismele progresiei estetice în proza romȃnească simbolistă şi post-simbolistă - Adelina Pavel -pg. 113-128 - full text

II. Linguistics. Traductology

Discourse Markers in King Charles III’s Speeches on Climate Change - Oleksandr Kapranov -pg. 131-145 - full text

Heroic Vocabulary and Identity in Old English - Andrei Crişan -pg. 146-162 - full text

Die Muttersprache und die Fremdsprachen der Dobrudscha-Deutschen am Beispiel einer Dobrudscha-Chronik - Maria-Elena Muscan -pg. 163-172 - full text

Poziția sintactică Nume Predicativ - Mihaela Miron-Fulea -pg. 173-189 - full text

Web-driven vs. Machine Translation in the Medical Field - Patrizia Giampieri -pg. 190-210 - full text

III. Didactics

Crossing Borders. Raising Cultural Awareness of Students in Pedagogy by Applying the Interdisciplinary Approach to Analyse Conceptual Metaphors in O. Henry’s Short Story “The Last Leaf” - Diana Bebenova-Nikolova -pg. 213-226 - full text

Maximizing University Students’ Spoken Interaction in English within the Distance Learning Framework in Wartime - Natalia Dmitrenko, Iuliia Budas, Tetiana Fedyk -pg. 227-245 - full text

Teaching Second Generation Romanian Immigrants in the Advanced English Module Groups - Roxana Elena Doncu -pg. 246-261 - full text

The Terminological Vocabulary in Teaching English for Specific Purposes from the Perspective of Students and Lecturers - Dilyan Gatev -pg. 262-277 - full text

Causation in a Learner Corpus of Hungarian-English Summaries of Disease Descriptions - Anita Hegedüs -pg. 278-290 - full text

Practicing Speaking Skills in the ESP Context to Prepare Students for Their Careers - Ionela Ionițiu -pg. 291-304 - full text

Applying Neurocognitive Research in the Language Classroom: Potential Benefits of Using Metaphors in ESP Vocabulary Instruction - Jasmina Jelčić Colakovac, Selma Elkasović -pg. 305-324 - full text

The Benefits of Cooperative Language Learning in ESP Classes at Spanish and Lithuanian Universities - Ines Lozano-Palacio, Giedré Valūnaitė Oleškevičienė, Liudmila Mockienė, Dalia Gulbinskienė, Rūta Lasauskienė, Diana Babušyté -pg. 325-338 - full text

Grammaticality vs Acceptability: Issues in the EFL and ESP Classroom - Aneta Naumoska, Biljana Naumoska-Sarakinska -pg. 339-353 - full text

Unlocking ESP Potential: A Culture-Infused Approach to Mobile-Assisted Language Learning - Andreea Nechifor, Cristina Dimulescu -pg. 354-375 - full text

Breaking Bad News in Medical English - Anişoara Pop -pg. 376-390 - full text

Exploring the Effectiveness of Web-Based Concept and Mind Mapping Tools for Enhancing Teaching and Learning ESP - Eglė Selevičienė -pg. 391-404 - full text

Teaching ESP in a Hybrid Mode and in Academic Environment - Albena Stefanova -pg. 405-420 - full text

IV. Reviews

Lavinia-Iunia Vasiu şi Cristina Bucoş. Repetați, vă rog! Citire şi ascultare în limba romȃnă ca limbă străină (RLS). Nivelul A1. Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2022. - Cristina Dafinoiu -pg. 423-424 - full text

List of Contributors - -pg. 425-433 - full text