The Annals of “Ovidius” University of Constanța: Philology Series

Vol. XXXI, 2/2020








Cover Pages

I. Literary, Cultural and Film Studies


The Kitchen in Pain: (Un)Making Macbeth in the ‘Wrong’ Space, Dys-locating Emotion-related Metaphors - Estella Ciobanu - pp. 3-20 Rezumat


The Poet as Activist: Spaces of Protest in Allen Ginsberg’s Poetry - Andreea Cosma - pp. 21-35 Rezumat 


Motherless Characters in Frozen Panes of Embodied Cognition in Lisa Klein’s Ophelia - Cristiana Crivăţ - pp. 36-46 Rezumat


A tavola con “Gli indifferenti”: appunti sulle caratteristiche dei pasti nel romazo moraviano - Iuliana David - pp. 47-58 Rezumat


Theatrical Placing of Parents and Staging Space in Romeo and Juliet - Maria Georgiana Donici (Bogdan) - pp. 59-66 Rezumat


Danish Cognitive Cartographies of Space and Taste: Hans Christian Andersen’s Travels in Latin European Countries - Virginia Magdalena Fazakas Petrică - pp. 67-73 Rezumat


Voicing the Marginalized in Rowling’s Harry Potter Series: How Book Illustrations Echo Thematic Postcolonial Spatiality - Azra Ghandeharion - pp. 74-96 Rezumat


Space and Narrative: the Inn and the Structure of the Early Modern Novel - Dragoș Ivana - pp. 97-104 Rezumat


A British Perspective on the Romanian revolution of 1989: Caryl Churchill’s Mad Forest - Ludmila Martanovschi - pp. 105-121 Rezumat


Spatial Representations in Martyrs’ Revelations (Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis, Acta Martyrum) - Anca Meiroșu - pp. 122-133 Rezumat


Beyond the Green Wall: Echoes of Zamyatin’s One State Across a Century of Ustopia - Lucia Opreanu - pp. 134-152 Rezumat


Eine Raummetapher der ungarndeutschen Literatur - Eszter Propszt - pp. 153-167 Rezumat


The House on Mango Street, Utopia of a Room of One’s Own - Ioana Rădulescu - pp. 168-177 Rezumat


Laughter and Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet Directed by Dominic Dromgoole at Shakespeare’s Globe (2009) - Lavinia Rusu Mircea - pp. 178-187 Rezumat


Filling the Parental Gap: Familial Bonds in William Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale and 

Jeanette Winterson’s The Gap of Time - Elena-Ancuţa Ştefan - pp. 188-203 Rezumat


Konstruktionen der Zeitlichkeit und Räumlichkeit in Siegfried Lenz’ „Masurischen Geschichten“ - Cecilia-Iuliana Vârlan - pp. 204-214 Rezumat



II. Media Studies


Social Media and the Politics of Post-Truth - Daniel Clinci - pp. 217-228 Rezumat


Radio days: representations of race and ethnicity in journalistic narratives.  A Cultural analysis of radio series This American Life (1995-2020) - Ileana Jitaru - pp. 229-242 Rezumat


Ethical, Political and Religious Challenges for the Easter Ritual in Covid Times: Sacred Time in (Non)Sacred Online Space - Mariana Tocia - pp. 243-262 Rezumat 


The Fake News Ecosystem and the Issue of Responsibility: Veles-Macedonia Production, Tech Platform Distribution, and American Consumption - Valentin Vanghelescu, Raluca Petre, Sara Trajchevska - pp. 263-277 Rezumat



III. Didactics 


Teaching the Concepts of Culture Shock and Cultural Heterogeneity in Online Intercultural Communication Courses - Costel Coroban - pp. 281-296 Rezumat


Neue Medien im Deutschunterricht – der Film - Ionela Duduţă - pp. 297-305 Rezumat


Lebensweltliche Diversität im DaF-Unterricht sichtbar machen - Julia Illmer - pp. 306-319 Rezumat



IV. Linguistics



L’écart traductif, stratégie ou dérapage ? - Mioara Codleanu - pp. 323-335 Rezumat


La sémiologie saussurienne – source d’inspiration pour le “cognitif” en sémantique ? - Andreea Ghiţă - pp. 336-352 Rezumat


Die Satzklammer im Spannungsfeld  zwischen Lernfeldermodell und interkulturelles Lernen - Maria Muscan - pp. 353-363 Rezumat


To Move or Not to Move: Experimental Evidence for Focus Strategies in Romanian - Nicoleta  Sava - pp. 364-374 Rezumat


Metafore atmosferiche indicanti la (grande) quantità: dal diluvio di parole alla tempesta di guai - Marinela Vrămuleţ - pp. 375-389 Rezumat