The Annals of “Ovidius” University of Constanța: Philology Series

Vol. XXXV, 2 / 2024





Cover Pages

I. Literary Studies

Spaces of Resonance and the Cultural Dialogue in Travelogues: A Case Study on Peter Hurley’s The Way of the Crosses - Veronica Buciuman, Eszther Propszt, pg. 3-19 - abstract

A Bakhtinian Perspective for the Chronotopic Evaluation of Symbols in “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway - N. Berrin Aksoy, pg. 20-28 - abstract

Reframing Myths: Toni Morrison’s Narrative Universe - Nicolae Bobaru, pg. 29-48 - abstract

Narcissism and Self-Cohesion in Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation - Fulya Kincal, pg. 49-68 - abstract

The Didactic Novel of the Anthropocene - Onoriu Colăcel, pg. 69-85 - abstract

Origins of the Nature’s Revenge Metaphor in The Swarm - Ulaş Özgün, Cansu Özge Özmen, pg. 86-101 - abstract

Reclaiming Agency: An Autotheoretical Exploration of Meena Kandasamy’s When I Hit You and Spousal Violence in India - Navin Sharma, Priyanka Tripathi, pg. 102-119 - abstract

The Little Red Dress: Performances of Gender in Willy Decker’s Production of La Traviata - Estella Ciobanu, pg. 120-135 - abstract

Ridley Scott’s Gladiator: Foucauldian Power Dynamics, the Clash of Discourses, and the Unattainability of a Dream - Azra Ghandeharion, pg. 136-156 - abstract

Metaphern der Lokalisierung ungarndeutscher Identität – Wurzeln und Wege - Eszter Propszt, pg. 157-167 - abstract

Das Unfassbare bleibt unfassbar. Zu den metaphorischen Räumen in Franz Kafkas Parabeln - Cecilia-Iuliana Vârlan, pg. 168-178 - abstract

Räume der Arbeit, Räume des Gebets – verschiedene Funktionen von Räumen in Franz Werfels Der veruntreute Himmel - Tadeusz Skwara, pg. 179-191 - abstract

La métaphore du trauma dans l’oeuvre de Beata Umubyeyi Mairesse - Alina Laura Clinciu, pg. 192-208 - abstract

II. Linguistics. Traductology. Didactics

Substantivul (subcategorizare; categorii flexionare) - Mihaela Miron Fulea, pg. 211-225 - abstract

Grammatische Räume der Manifestation in Märchen. Sprachliche Elemente der gestalteten Wirklichkeit in einigen Märchen von Grimm, Bechstein und Hauff - Anita-Andreea Széll, pg. 226-246 - abstract

Die Verwendung von Metaphern in einem Memoirenband aus den 1950er Jahren - Ileana-Maria Ratcu, pg. 247-252 - abstract

Translation im postdigitalen Zeitalter - Maria Muscan, pg. 253-265 - abstract

The Unbearable Lightness of Naming – Translating Humour in Percival Everett’s The Trees - Daria Protopopescu, pg. 266-280 - abstract

“Pompous Nothings” and Condescension in the Romanian Retranslation of Pride and Prejudice - Nadina Vișan, pg. 281-295 - abstract

Insultes et métaphorisation : étude contrastive français-italien d’une série télévisée - Michele Bevilacqua, pg. 296-308 - abstract

La culture locale à travers le discours gastronomique - Ioana Șandru, Monica Vlad, Elena Condrea, pg. 309-318 - abstract

Overcoming Barriers to Intercultural Communication: The Role of Intercultural Awareness - Georgiana Comaniciu, pg. 319-332 - abstract

Dezvoltarea competenței discursive în predarea LRLS - Denisa-Maria Bâlc, pg. 333-347 - abstract

Gamified Romanian for Specific Purposes: A Journey to Engaged Language Acquisition - Andreea Nechifor, pg. 348-371 - abstract

Encouraging Productive Online Interaction and Feedback in Higher Education - Eriola Qafzezi, Denis Çelçima, Alma Lama, pg. 372-392 - abstract

Die Identitäten als Autoren und Wissenschaftler im deutschen akademischen Schreiben - Alina Strugaru, pg. 393-408 - abstract

Les approches plurielles en tant qu’instrument dans l’espace de la classe de français langue étrangère - Mihaela Butcaru, Monica Vlad, pg. 409-428 - abstract

Teaching English for Specific Purposes: Motivating Students - Mădălina Stănescu, pg. 429-440 - abstract

Reflective Writing in an ESP Classroom: Student-Perceived Impacts - Victoria Tuzlukova, Sandhya Rao Mehta, pg. 441-457 - abstract

Suggestions for Assessing Students’ Knowledge and Abilities in Higher Education in the EU and Africa - Fazel Ebrihiam Freeks, Lavinia Nădrag, pg. 458-473 - abstract

Exploring the Potential of Project-Based Learning in EFL Instruction of Bulgarian - Gergana Gerova, pg. 474-490 - abstract

Some Tips on Teaching Pronunciation - Alina Costea, pg. 491-503 - abstract

Double-Talk: Jargon and Slang in Corporate Language and the Spectrum of Business Idiomacity - Cristina Mihaela Zamfir, pg. 504-517 - abstract

III. Media Studies

Telling Real Stories. Narrative Journalism in Romania: Between Normative Theory and Practice - Valentin Vanghelescu, Alexandra Codău, Ana-Maria Popa, pg. 521-537 - abstract

Women and Visual Rhetorical Strategies in Media Coverage of the Russian-Ukrainian War - Iulia-Maria Ticărău, Denisa-Maria Bâlc, pg. 538-551 - abstract

The Metaphor of Female Icon Identity in Musical Culture: Case Study Symbolism, Myth, and Ritual in the Construction of Irina Rimes’ Image - Mariana Bafană, Diana Novojen, pg. 552-569 - abstract

Condiționalul informației incerte și alteritatea enunțiativă - Ana-Maria Popa, pg. 570-587 - abstract

“From Romania, with Love”. An Oral History Study on Personal Relationships in Contemporary Romania - Costel Coroban, Ioana Toader Gaidargi, pg. 588-605 - abstract

Lista autorilor -pg. 607-615 - abstract