The Annals of “Ovidius” University of Constanța: Philology Series

Vol. XXXII, 2/2021


Număr coordonat de ESTELLA CIOBANU




Cover Pages

I. Studii literare şi culturale

Metaphors of Spatiality and Discourse of Femininity in Shakespeare’s Henry V - Jean-Jacques Chardin - pp. 3-13 Rezumat

Hamlet, Parents and Death: Family Cartography on Shakespeare’s Stage - Georgiana Bogdan - pp. 14-24 Rezumat

Playing with the Past: Audience Involvement and Participation in the Shakespeare-Scape - Elena-Ancuța Ștefan - pp. 25-36 Rezumat

The Influence of Natural History: Marine Animals and Strange Creatures in Edward Topsell’s The Historie of Serpents - Ana-Maria Pavel - pp. 37-51 Rezumat

Wartime Spaces in Elizabeth Bowen’s “Sunday Afternoon” - N. Belgin Elbir - pp. 52-64 Rezumat

Gendered Space in Alexander McCall Smith’s The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency - Berrin Aksoy - pp. 65-75 Rezumat

Haunted Spaces: Ghosts and Postmemories in Adriaan Van Dis’ Land of Lies - Delia Grosu - pp. 76-88 Rezumat

Guiding into Otherness: The Paratext in the Romanian Translation of the Novel Kamen No Kokuhaku, Confessions of a Mask by Mishima Yukio - Beatrice-Maria Alexandrescu -pp. 89-103 Rezumat

Translation of Feminist Children’s Literature: A Writing Project - Gökçen Hastürkoğlu - pp. 104-114 Rezumat

Turf Wars: The Territorial Claims of Spatial Literary Studies and of Literary Geography - Patricia Șoitu - pp. 115-127 Rezumat

To Be or Not to Be Postmodern: Regarding Contemporary Biomedical Science with Lyotard - Estella Ciobanu - pp. 128-148 Rezumat

Cazul Sandu: Romanele lui Anton Holban din perspectiva tulburărilor de personalitate - Justyna Teodorowicz - pp. 149-161 Rezumat

A Topography of Contrasts. Romania in 1877 through the Eyes of an English Journalist - Virginia Magdalena Fazakaș Petrică - pp. 162-169 Rezumat

The Rhetoric of the Science Fiction Film in Utopian and Dystopian “Worlds in Collision”: The Matrix Tetralogy (1999, 2003, 2021) and Transcendence (2014) - Ileana Jitaru - pp.170-184 Rezumat

Dallo spazio al paesaggio nei poeti crepuscolari - Daniela Crăciun - pp. 185-192 Rezumat

Significati del silenzio: Conversazione in Sicilia di Elio Vittorini - Iuliana David - pp. 193-201 Rezumat

Die Figur des Kontinuums – eine geeignete Metapher zur Überwindung binärer Vorstellungen zu Geschlecht und Raum - Christel Baltes-Löhr - pp. 202-219 Rezumat

Raum, Perspektivierung und fiktionale Welten anhand literarischer Texte - Delia Cotârlea - p. 220-232 Rezumat

Literarische Räume: Das (Kranken)Haus als Enklave in Alfred Döblins Alexanderplatz und Thomas Manns Der Zauberberg - Veronica Buciuman - pp. 233-253 Rezumat

Überlegungen zur Untersuchung des Raumes in Zsuzsa Bánks Texten - Eszter Propszt - pp. 254-264 Rezumat

Der metaphorische Raum des Terrors und des Verrats im Roman Herztier - Béatrice Nicoriuc - pp. 265-281 Rezumat

II. Lingvistică şi didactică

“Hey There! I am Using Whatsapp”: The Presentation of Self in a Corpus of Romanian Users’ Whatsapp Statuses - Diana Hornoiu - pp. 285-302 Rezumat

‘She May Have Took the Book’: Irregular Verbs in Standard and Nonstandard English. A Corpus-based Analysis - Costin-Valentin Oancea - pp. 303-319 Rezumat

Romanian Evidential Adverbs Revisited - Nicoleta Sava - pp. 320-336 Rezumat

Okkasionalismen der Krisenzeiten in deutschsprachigen Printmedien - Lina Cabac, Elvira Guranda - pp. 337-351 Rezumat

Spécificité du cadre spatial et traduction (domaine turc-français-roumain) - Mioara Codleanu, Aisun Murtaza - pp. 352-361 Rezumat

Reti sinonimiche e antonimiche di metafore animalesche impiegate per raffigurare caratteristiche degli esseri umani - Marinela Vrămuleț - pp. 362-374 Rezumat

Assessment in the Online Victorian Literature Class. A Case Study - Nicoleta Stanca, Alina Cojocaru - pp. 375-393 Rezumat

Mind-changing Perspectives on Education: A Content Analysis of Young People’s Storytelling-based Interviews - Monica Tilea, Alina Reșceanu, Ion Reșceanu - pp. 394-411 Rezumat

Conceptual Strategies in Teaching and Learning English Nose Idioms - Ana-Maria Trantescu, Georgiana Reiss - pp. 412-426 Rezumat

Die Präpositionen der Lage und der Richtung im Deutschen und Rumänischen Didaktische Überlegungen zu Gemeinsamkeiten und sprachspezifischen Unterschieden - Ioana Hermine Fierbințeanu - pp. 427-445 Rezumat

Phraseme, Fachwortschatz und Scaffolding. Ein Gerüst zur kompetenten Aneignung der deutschen Bildungssprache - Maria Muscan - pp. 446-453 Rezumat

Die fünfte Fertigkeit im Onlineunterricht. Spielfilmanalyse als Unterrichtsmethode - Ionela Duduță - pp. 454-464 Rezumat

Vermittlung von grundlegenden Fachkenntnissen der deutschen Literaturgeschichte für Studienanfänger - Cecilia-Iuliana Vârlan - pp. 465-477 Rezumat

Mihai Isbășescu: Übersetzer und Lexikograf - Mihai Crudu - pp. 478-487 Rezumat

La Métaphore dans le discours des enseignants de langues étrangères - Elisabeta Ana Iuliana Linea, Monica Vlad - pp. 488-505 Rezumat

III. Studii media

The Romanian Public Service Media Sector and Its Stakeholders: An Overview - Raluca Petre - pp. 509-523 Rezumat

Disinformation and Online Identity Theft through False Accounts on Social Networks - Mariana Bafană, Ioana Ioniță - pp. 524-535 Rezumat

Fact-checking Discipline in the Digital Information Ecosystem: A Romanian Perspective - Valentin Vanghelescu - pp. 536-559 Rezumat

The Construction of Gender Identity in Romania, in the Press Dedicated to Women. Case Study: Elle Magazine - Alexandra Codău - pp. 560-574 Rezumat

Reprezentarea femicidului conjugal în media în perioada pandemiei de COVID-19 - Diana Stoica - pp. 575-590 Rezumat

Aspects of Eco-Identity in the Recent History of Protests in Romania - Costel Coroban, Andrada Munteanu - pp. 591-603 Rezumat

List of Contributors - pp. 609-617

Erratum Anale no. 2 / 2020 - pp. 618