I. Linguistics and Education Studies

La communication médiatisée par ordinateur (CMO)  champ de pratique libre des apprenants de langues étrangères
Mohammed Alkhatib 6-21

Verb sub-classification: copular vs. non-copular
Mihaela Miron-Fulea 22-26

An Ancient Forerunner of Eugenio Coseriu regarding the Collage Technique: (Pseudo) Hermogenes of Tarsus [Pages]
Cristinel Munteanu 27-40

The Romanian Curriculum within the European Educational Framework
Lavinia Nădrag, Angela Soare 41-51

The Consequence of the Pragmalingvistic Perspective on the Description of Adverbs Functioning 
Veronica Cristina Nedelcu 52-60

Cultural Studies – Problems and Dilemmas in Romanian Higher Education and Academia
Dumitru Tucan 61-71

II. Literature(s)

The Game of Literature. Strategies of Avant-Garde Drama. A Case Study: Gellu Naum’s The Island
Alina Buzatu 73-85

From the Text-as-Symptom to the Critic-as-Analysand: New Approaches in Psychoanalytic Criticism
Lorelei Caraman-Pașca 86-94

L’écriture corporelle dans l’œuvre de Gheorghe Crăciun
Naomi Ionică 95-101

Faire de l’histoire littéraire en Europe et aux Etats-Unis, aujourd’hui
Alexandru Matei 102-111

Causality, Uncertainty and Misrecognition in Graham Swift’s Ever After
Alexandra Roxana Mărginean 112-122

Imaginary Places in Romanian – Balkan Fairytales. Mythical Analogies
Simona Mihai (Palasca) 123-134

Power Struggle in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire: A Foucauldian Analysis of the Play
Soghra Nodeh 135-142

Between Centre and Margin: the Construction and Deconstruction of Identity in Good Night, Children!
Alexandra Ungureanu-Atănăsoaie 143-148

“As Sound as a Dollar”: Fundraising in America and its Contribution to the Great War in Nurses’ Diaries
Costel Coroban 149-157

The Discourses of the Florentine Avant-garde and of the Romanian “Young Generation”. Interferences
Ștefan Firică 158-167

Ethos and Expressiveness in Antim Ivireanus’S Didahii
Sorinela-Alina Gheorghe 168-177

Intertextual Lives: Reverse Mimesis, Sanity and Survival 
Lucia Opreanu 178-188

Veille de cauchemar. L’onirisme dans les Archives du Conseil National pour l’Étude des Archives de la Sécurité (CNÉAS)
Ecaterina Pavel 189-200

The Problem of Literature at Foucault and in Cultural Studies [Pages]
Adriana Stan 201-208

The Avatars of the Marginal Man
Dan Țăranu 209-217
III. Review

Sali Tagliamonte. Variationist Sociolinguistics. Change, Observation, Interpretation. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012
Costin-Valentin Oancea 219-222

Notes on contributors 223-228