Volume XXIII, no.1/2012

I. Language and Translation Studies
The Significance of Author-Translators in Turkey in the Emergence of Modern Turkish Literature [Pages 11 - 20]
Berrin Aksoy
The structure and meaning of the Nominal BE…LA “tense” in Basse Mandinka [Pages 21 - 38]
Alexander Andrason
L’emprunt dans la phytonymie biblique roumaine [Pages 39 - 52]
Anuţa-Rodica Ciornei
Time-Expression in German and Russian Languages. Right-Hand Half of the Clock Qvadrant with its Expression Particularities, Common to Both Languages [Pages 53 - 64]
Mihalache Delia Doina
Reflexive Constructions: Theoretical Aspects and Suggestions for Application [Pages 65 - 80]
Mihaela Miron-Fulea
Linguistic - Cultural Peculiarities of the Compliment [Pages 81 - 90]
Oana Petruţa Popa
Sur certaines difficultés de l’apprentissage du genre des noms roumains par les locuteurs natifs du français [Pages 91 - 104]
Iolanda Sterpu
II. Literature(s)
Une herméneutique des passions dans le roman roumain de l’entre-deux-guerres [Pages 107 - 116]
Lăcrămioara Berechet
Democratization of Heroism in the Romantic Historical Novel: Manzoni, The Betrothed [Pages 117 - 126]
Florica Bodiştean
City of Darkness vs. City of Light – the Significance of Light in the Modern Metropolis with Dickens and Dos Passos [Pages 127 - 138]
Hristo Boev
Adaptation as Parodic Critique: Jack Gold’s Man Friday [Pages 139 - 152]
Elena Butoescu
Paradigm Shift in Humanities: the Cognitive Turn. Solving an Old Aporia: Sensibility Is Sense [Pages 154 - 162]
Alina Buzatu
The Fantastic Presences-Absences in The Chairs by Eugene Ionesco [Pages 163 - 172]
Marina Cap-Bun
The Scatological End of Eschatology in Mankind, or the Grotesque Body of/in the Text [Pages 173 - 188]
Estella Antoaneta Ciobanu
Ernest Hemingway’s Heroines from Puppets to Puppeteers: the Case of Brett Ashley in Fiesta: The Sun Also Rises and Catherine Bourne in The Garden of Eden [Pages 189 - 202]
Daniela Crăciun
Genettian Narratology of an Idiot’s Narrative: Benjy’s Narrative [Pages 203 - 218]
Parvin Ghasemi, Aref Faghin Nassiri, Roshanak Yazdanpoor
The Quest for Insight and a Congenial Philosophy in Lieu of Materialistic Comfort: Marius the Epicurean as an Alternative to the Victorian Realist Novel of Formation [Pages 219 - 234]
Petru Golban
The Roaring Twenties and the Effects of Consumerism in Fitzgerald’s Novels [Pages 235 - 248]
Corina Grosu
Transplanting Cervantes onto English Soil; or, Thematising Cultural Identity Issues in Henry Fielding’s Play Don Quixote in England [Pages 249 - 260]
Dragoş-Alexandru Ivana
Appolonius of Rhodes’ The Argonautica as Frivolous Ludic Falsetto [Pages 261 - 274]
Maria-Luiza Dumitru Oancea
Joyce and Middlebrow Culture: Advertising, Women’s Magazines and Popular Fiction in Ulysses [Pages 275 - 286]
Nicoleta Stanca
The American Dream in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street [Pages 287 - 296]
Diana Ştiuliuc
III. Media and cultural studies
Combattre la Terreur: emplois de l’apostrophe dans les Mémoires de madame Roland [Pages 299 - 314]
Constance Cartmill
Broadcast Dialogue in Reality TV Genre [Pages 315 - 328]
Valeria Maftei
Mircea Eliade, under the Terror of History (1941-1945) [Pages 329 - 340]
Sergiu Miculescu
The Transformation of the Field of Mass Cultural Production in Romania; Structural and Conceptual Premises [Pages 341 - 352]
Raluca Petre
Stereotyping the Indian: Visual Misrepresentations in the City of Dreams/Nightmares [Pages 353 - 364]
Mădălina Prodan
Descriptive Illusion or Untruth in Political Press [Pages 365 - 380]
Mariana Tocia
IV. Reviews
Ana-Cristina Halichias, Glosar de termeni româneşti din documente latino-române secolele al XIII-lea – al XVI-lea [Pages 383 - 386]
Maria-Luiza Dumitru Oancea
Atelier de traduction n. 16 – 2011. Universitatea de Suceava [Pages 387 - 391]
Monica Vlad