Volume XXII, no.2/2011

I. Culture and Linguistics
Proper Nouns and the Prior Denomination Feature [Pages 11 - 24]
Mihaela Miron-Fulea
Language and Identification of the Self on the Sites of Romanians Abroad [Pages 25 - 38]
Ana Maria Munteanu, Aida Todi
Postcolonial Englishes in America: The Chicano English Dialect [Pages 39 - 48]
Costin – Valentin Oancea
II. Literature(s)
A Structuralist Reading of Hardy’s Jude the Obscure [Pages 51 - 58]
Kamal Abbasi
Experiencing Sexuality: The Politics of Gender Identity in Ian McEwan’s Fiction [Pages 59 - 70]
Alina Buzarna-Tihenea (Gălbează)
Human Condition Between the Fantastic and the Absurd in Eugene Ionesco’s Rhinoceros [Pages 71 - 82]
Marina Cap-Bun
Sins of the Father Revisited: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Sylvia Plath’s “Daddy” [Pages 83 - 90]
Parisa Changizi, Parvin Ghasemi
The Murder of Gonzago: Reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet in Communist Bulgaria [Pages 91 - 96]
Ileana Alexandra Orlich
Allen Ginsberg and the Theology of Eclectic Mysticism [Pages 97 - 106]
Raluca –Nicoleta Rogoveanu
The Hidden Depths of García Márquez’s Chronicle of a Death Foretold [Pages 107 - 116]
Ali Shehzad Zaidi
III. Cultural Studies
A Museal Turn: Negotiating Memory in Romanian History Museums before and after the Fall of the Wall [Pages 119 - 126]
Adina Ciugureanu
The Discourse of Service Encounters in Post Communist Romania: Iconicity and Polite Routines of American Descent [Pages 127 - 140]
Diana Hornoiu
The Translation of the Ethnic Minority Discourse from the U.S.A. to Romania. The Case of the Rroma [Pages 141 - 148]
Ludmila Martanovschi
An Approach to Multicultural Education [Pages 149 - 156]
Lavinia Nădrag
CorpTweet: Brands, Language and Identity in Web 2.0 [Pages 157 - 168]
Otilia Pacea
Media Theory and Reception Specificities in Romania [Pages 169 - 178]
Raluca Petre
Icons of Irish Cultural Heritage and Tourism [Pages 179 - 188]
Nicoleta Stanca
Terror, Monkey-Wrenching and (Counter)Netwar: Reading Edward Abbey in the Age of Pure War [Pages 189 - 200]
Florian Andrei Vlad
Book Review
The Greek-Latin Mythology between Theoretical Framework and Exegesis Models (Maria-Luiza Dumitru-Oancea, Mitologia Greco-Romană. Bucharest: Editura Universităţii, 2010) [Pages 203 - 206]
Petre Gheorghe Bârlea