Arhivă BEJAN Remus

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius” Constanţa nr.20 / 2009

BEJAN REMUS - Man and / in Language (pag. 114-152)

In this study we trace the linguistic foundations of the (post)modern understanding of the self. The idea of the centrality of personal deictics to the linguistic system, originally theorised by Jakobson and amply expanded by Benveniste, has deeply affected subsequent reconstructions of the human subject, from the Lacanian psychoanalytical model, to its existential or Marxian reinterpretations by Buber and Althusser, repectively, to name just two of the numerous theorists who have turned their attention to this problem. Language is the matrix of human subjectvity, caught in the web of its symbolic relations.

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Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius” Constanţa nr.19 / 2008

BEJAN REMUS - De Auctore (2) (pag. 13-22)

This paper continues to explore the manner in which history inscribes the idea of the author (see also our “De auctore (1)”, in Ovidius University Annals of Philology, vol. XVII, 2006, pp. 173-197) by critically reading a number of theoretical formulations of authorship from Romanticism to Postmodernism. Our aim has been to appropriate its system of rules, to identify the main defining elements and to put present assumptions about the author in their true perspective.

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