Arhivă BERRINO Nicoletta Francesca

Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii “Ovidius” Constanţa nr.21 / 2010

BERRINO NICOLETTA FRANCESCA - Helen, Ovid's Troublesome Character (pag. 23-44)

The episode of Paris, Helen and Menelaus in the second book of the Ars amatoria (ll. 357-372) seems to justify Ovid’s relegatio in Tomis better than other controversial and deplored passages of the poem. The Ovidian episode, in fact, is very likely to underlie the defence of Julia the Elder, daughter of Augustus, who in 2 B.C was banished from Rome officially for indecent behaviour, but unofficially for political motives since she joined an opposition filo-oriental movement.

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