Archive GEORGESCU Sorina

The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa no.19 / 2008

GEORGESCU SORINA - Redefining (the) romanian (people) – Mihai Eminescu’America vs today’s multiculturalism – (pag. 39-46)

The paper is a comparison between what I called ‘Mihai Eminescu’s age’, due to its relation to herderianism, and a rather negative vision of America as a cosmopolitan country, during the formation of Romania, on the one hand, and today’s redescovering of Romanian’history, during Multiculturalism, on the other hand. My thesis is that herderianism, understood as ethno-culturalism, fitted the 19th century Romanian dream very well, promoting the idea of self-awareness and self-confidence in the national values. My second purpose is to show that the play Take, Ianke si Cadîr may be seen today in the light of Multiculturalism as a pledge for ethnic tolerance.

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