Archive CAMBI Maurizio

The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa no.20 / 2009

CAMBI MAURIZIO - Tommaso Campanella: epilessia, malinconia e profezia (pag. 153-180)

This study aims, first of all, to reconstitute the manner in which modern utopists, especially T. Campanlla, collected and interpreted an entire philosophical tradition with respect to the influence of natural conditions regarding the functioning of the ideal fortress. In his work, Campanella makes a detailed analysis of pathological manifestations such as epilepsy and melancholy, the spiritual diseases common among the inhabitants of the City of the Sun. They were granted with a physiological basis as well as special gifts. The philosopher pleads against the Aristotelian concept that made no distinction between the manifestations of intuitive melancholic persons and the real gift of prophecy, related to divine inspiration. The ultimate scope of Campanella’s measures is the protection of Christian foundations against the heretic judgement that associated clairvoyance and prophecy to deceitful manifestations, either of pathological or demonic origin. Astrologist and visionary in his turn, the utopist “reads” and interprets the signs of future times, as well as, the unity and final triumph of Christian religion.

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