Archive CIZEK Alexandru

The Annals of Ovidius University Constanţa no.21 / 2010

CIZEK ALEXANDRU - Zum Bild des exilierten Ovids in der mittellateinischen Literatur (Regarding the Medieval Image of Exiled Ovid) (pag. 91-106)

There is at least a threefold image of the exiled Ovid in the Middle Latin letters drawing inspiration from his all the time broadly used and imitated poetry. During the Early Middle Age Carolingian poets, such as Theodulph of Orléans, Ermoldus Nigellus, Walafrid Strabo and later on Godescalc of Orbais, Hildebert of Lavardin, who suffered persecution inflicted to them by tyrannic sovereigns or prelates, were identified or identified themselves with the banished ancient poet. In the 12-th century the prelate and poet Baudri of Bourgeuil, composed the Psudo-ovidian epistles Florus Ovidio and Ovidius Floro out of biographic items taken from the Tristia and Pontica and shaped an already "medievalized" image of Ovid according to the spirit of his time. He also shows a remarcable artistic and temperamental congeniality with the ancient poet.

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